Dedicated to adorable troublemakers

  • It's Pearfat!

    It’s dewy, slushy, and sweet. It’s the smell on your hands after you’ve worked in a garden pulling up weeds. It’s stopping at every flower. It’s fireflies over sodden grass at twilight. It’s a little love hex. It’s an open window drive down a dirt road filling your hair with dust. It’s wearing your most excellent shoes to the grocery store. It’s a shared giggle over a mispronounced French word.

  • What do we smell like?

    Capturing sense memories of growing up in the midwest, honoring great fragrances of the past, offering a sense of humor about our bodies - Pearfat Parfum looks to combine classical perfumery molecules with modern olfactory innovations to create nods to pop culture, a space for gender fluidity, & scents that speak to instigators.

    All perfumes are composed, bottled & packed lovingly by hand.

  • What about gendered scents?

    What about them?! Just kidding. We believe that gender plays a huge role in fragrance and expressing yourself - what that looks like (and smells like!) cannot be defined in marketing terms. Similarly, terms like ‘gender neutral’ can sometimes erase the experience of a beautifully feminine feeling, or a powerfully masculine olfactory expression, for someone who is learning about themselves through perfume.

    Please feel free to experiment, ask questions, and wear Pearfat however feels best to you!